Vision and Mission

Our Vision
It is our vision to be an authentic community of believers in Jesus Christ who are impacting our world. We're a Bible believing church where people experience the Living God, have their lives transformed by His grace and are prepared for successful living.

It is a vision of building a place where people can have an encounter with the Living God, where the Holy Spirit is given control and the Kingdom of God is manifested. Where the hurting, the hopeless, the discouraged, the depressed, the oppressed and the confused can find love, acceptance, forgiveness, healing, help, hope, guidance and encouragement.

It is a vision of saturating the Gent area with the Good News of Jesus Christ through every available means.

It is a vision of believers growing together into a Biblically functioning community. A place where people of diverse race, age, gender and socioeconomic standing come to know God and become part of the family of faith. Where, through Biblical instruction, interaction and application, people develop into committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

It is a vision of a fellowship of people worshiping, praying, loving, laughing, learning, sharing, caring, celebrating and serving together.

It is a vision of training, mentoring and equipping the saints to find their places of calling and ministry in the kingdom of God. A place where everyone is encouraged to use their God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of all the saints.

Experiencing God, transforming lives, building people and impacting our world.

We will do so by...
... providing a place of dynamic, relevant and anointed worship; by building a body of believers into fully devoted, Spirit-filled, Christ-like disciples; by aggressively reaching out to the unchurched, unsaved and irreligious; by equipping, training and releasing an army of saints for the work of the ministry and by becoming a community of loving, loyal and caring servants. (Acts 1:8; 2:41; 13:44; 17:6; 19:1-20)

Our Core Values
Universal Non-Negotiable Values

Every person is valued and is the focus of our ministry.
1. Every person is created to glorify God, who alone is worthy of worship.
2. Every person has the right to a presentation of the gospel at his level of understanding.
3. Every person needs a biblical moral compass to guide and protect him through life.
4. Every believer has unique gifts to be developed and used to strengthen the church.
5. Every believer has a purpose in advancing the global mission of the church of Jesus Christ.

Distinct Non-Negotiable Values
We believe in certain values that characterize our ministry.

1. We believe prayer is the most important ministry of the church from which all other ministry is energized.

2. We believe the key dynamic to life in the church is the Holy Spirit and we desire His fellowship, leadership, anointing and manifestations.

3. We believe self-giving love is the mark of the believer and loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life.

4. We believe the church should continually grow by reaching the lost.

5. We believe every follower of Christ should be continually growing in Christ-like commitment, character and wholeness.

6. We believe anointed biblical teaching is the catalyst for transformation in individuals’ lives and in the church.

7. We believe our ministry should be culturally relevant, doctrinally pure and biblically uncompromising.

8. We believe both individuals and the church will be held responsible to God for the stewardship of their time, gifts, calling and finances.

9. We believe excellence honors God and inspires people.

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